Unlike retail cinema brands are not well recognised across a territory. Cinemas are very local. You build your brand by what you deliver by site. However, there can be brand building within the industry itself and to a degree with the media, which we have experience of how to best develop.
We advise clients on how to position themselves in a market and then create a brand. That will ensure everyone know what the brand stands for, its values and objectives and who its target customers are for. Everything from then on in should reflect those values and objectives. This informs the design and layout, the offers the cinema has and how it interacts with its customer.
Key to all this is to look at each cinema as a customer. As part of any brand strategy we segment and identify who your customers are. Our journey starts through the web site or app. We have experience in building these and what customers want and how to drive traffic. We advise on pricing architecture, loyalty and membership schemes and how to create a customer facing digital strategy to deliver.
On arrival how easy is it to find the cinema. An often-neglected area is way finding, too frequently seen as simply a cinema cost by mall owners. We believe on a collaborative approach. Cinemas are footfall drivers and often anchor tenants and it’s in everyone’s interest to make it easy to access. We work with you to get the best out of mall signage and information. In fact, mall integration is key to both party’s success. We believe that the mall succeeds when you bring film out of the cinema into the mall and vice versa. We have had great success in creating integrated mall and cinema strategies to maximise events and experiences for both.
On site we advise on all commercial areas from F&B selection, ticketing systems, cinema and on- screen advertising, 3rd party deals, supplier contracts and more. Film and onscreen content is key. Film hire is the biggest operating costs. We have distribution contacts throughout the industry form local to Hollywood studios. This enables us to assist local teams and draw on our contacts to solve bigger issues. We have expertise in how to select the right range of films and on-screen product for your market and how to schedule these to maximise revenues. For investors our knowledge here of these two areas is key part of our detailed analysis.
The customer journey work continues through design and layout stage. Alongside this we develop complete marketing plans through the development phase, mainly PR and media, through opening (all media, digital, PR, event marketing) to post opening where we will work with both the cinemas team and mall, where relevant, to create a full years marketing plan.
We have clients who we have worked with from conception to operation, and continue to support today many years after, with our expert advice. Your success is our success.

Town Centre Regeneration

Regenerating a City Centre
Town centre regeneration does what it says on the tin: it’s the process of investing in and developing a, usually underused or tired, town centre with the aim of giving it a new lease of life.
Installing new retail units and restaurants, opening a new cinema site or implementing a new leisure development in a central location are all ways in which a town centre can be regenerated.
Regeneration occurs when a city centre is underperforming and receiving low visitor numbers as part of their daytime and/or evening economy.
To transform the area, the local authority or government invests in new retail, leisure or hospitality businesses in the area, with the aim of encouraging residents and visitors to spend more time there.


TBP Conference 2019 - Repurposing Retail Space
TBP held its annual conference at The Everyman cinema, Met Quarter, Liverpool on Tuesday 17th September.
The sold out conference was a success for speakers and attendees. With an impressive array of speakers and panellists the conference tackled the current issue facing many Local Authorities and property developers or owners on how to repurpose the high street.
Placemaking is the process of creating spaces that people want to live, work and socialise in. It’s a location-based process driven predominantly by local authorities, private retail owners or developers, all of whom are responsible for demonstrating that they’ve given thought to creating a sense of place in a particular area.